Friday, 26 February 2016

10-Yr-Old Boy Caged Up And Thrown Into A Cold Lake For Stealing

10-Yr-Old Boy Caged Up And Thrown Into A Cold Lake For Stealing

A 10-year-old boy from Guanxi region in China was given the most bizarre punishment for allegedly breaking into the house of a local butcher and stealing 20,000 yuan (about $3,250), when the whole village locked him up in a cage, locked it and threw him into a cold lake.
A neighbour who spotted the lad jump over the wall and enter through the second storey window, raised an alarm when he realised what the boy was up to.
When the poor boy was nabbed, the entire village decided to punish him in one of the most brutal ways, according to a Shanghaiist report.
They asked him to kneel inside a cage, locked it and dunked him in cold lake.

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