Monday, 8 May 2017

Read more: Man Sees A Wild Wolf In The Woods Then Gets Closer And Realizes The Terrible Truth - Page 4 of 12 Follow us: cyberbreeze on Facebook Man Sees A Wild Wolf In The Woods

                                                     Man Sees A Wild Wolf In The Woods 

He also has two fellow outdoor buddies with him expecting to catch a coyote. He also has a gun with him, but they weren’t planning on hurting the wolf. The main guy even asked his friend to keep it away so that the wolf won’t feel threatened and intimidated.

Then the main guy had found a plywood laying around and had an idea. He wanted to badly help the wolf but getting near him to release his paw wasn’t going to be easy. He is trying his best to release the wild animal unharmed as his paws are already caught in the trap.

Help On The Way

The guy used the wood as a shield so he can get near the poor wolf. But seeing that the man was getting near him, the wolf immediately felt uneasy. If only he knew that the guy was trying to help him. But he’s no wolf whisperer so the wood would have to do for now.

5. Carefully Getting Near

As the guy inched closer, the wolf immediately tried to back away. The guy was still careful as he placed the wood between them so as to minimize further injuring the animal. Both creatures were under stress, but the guy kept his cool to save the life of the trapped wolf.

4. Just A Little Bit More

Now that the guy has securely put the wood in place he can start helping the wolf. But afraid and stressed the wolf tried to back away, of course, he couldn’t do anything because he was trapped. Still, the guy was persistent in helping the poor animal.

3. Almost There

The wolf has finally calmed down a bit and stopped tugging away. But the guy was still a bit tensed and of course, we understand why. Wild animals are much stronger than humans and unpredictable so his buddies were standing by with their guns just in case things got out of hand.

3. Almost There

The wolf has finally calmed down a bit and stopped tugging away. But the guy was still a bit tensed and of course, we understand why. Wild animals are much stronger than humans and unpredictable so his buddies were standing by with their guns just in case things got out of hand.

1. Freedom

Once free, the wolf wasted no time and scurried away from the men. The main guy was also still cautious as the wolf might attack him. But thankfully, the wolf didn’t think of hurting him and quickly ran away from them. Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to be kind even to wild animals.
That was an amazing story of kindness. The men could have just left the wolf trapped but instead risked their safety and lives to help the wild animal. It wasn’t easy getting near a wild animal even with a wood in between for protection since these animals are unpredictable.
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