Saturday 9 June 2018

This Woman Claims That She Is The World’s Hottest Grandma

This Woman Claims That She Is The World’s Hottest Grandma

I didn’t ever think that anyone out there would ever be proud about winning a title like ‘world’s hottest Grandma’ but apparently people want to be labelled in this way now and that’s what 36 year old mother of two Carrie Hilton is spending her time bragging abou
Images VIA
Hilton’s 17 year old daughter Clarice gave birth earlier this year and Carrie went straight to MailOnline to explain to everyone that she was now the hottest grandma in the world:
Worlds Hotttest Grannt 2
I was dubbed ‘Britain’s most glamorous granny’ in January and then the ‘world’s hottest granny’ by various media outlets around the world shortly after [eldest daughter Clarice gave birth].
When shop assistants and people at the gym hear Clarice saying ‘Mum’ they ask her to repeat herself. Then I tell them I’m a nanny and they go ‘No way!’,” Carrie told The Sun earlier this year.
I’ve always been fit and active. I don’t go out much, all I do is work and train, so I haven’t used the fact I’m a grandma to fend off any young men.
I’ve had lots of messages from admirers. Most of them asking for dates or sex. I’ve even had some people asking to marry me.

Oooh look at her eh? In fairness, Carrie doesn’t sound like a complete vacuous loser like most of these reality stars that brag about titles like ‘world’s hottest grandma’ as it doesn’t sound like she parties that much and she’s a six time silver medallist in internatiaonl kickboxing. That said though she has also had breast enlargement surgery, Botox, teeth whitening and hair extensions, spending £13,000 on surgery. I suppose you don’t get to be the world’s hottest grandma if you don’t put the work in though – this ain’t some kind of imaginary title that anyone can be awarded you know, it’s the real deal.


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