Thursday 31 August 2017

My Great Great Grandfather

My Great Great Grandfather

11 February 2017
My great great grandfather I have never seen yet he is always getting in touch with me.
There is this calm unpretentious voice that comes to talk to me from time to times and I know from the way this voice emanates transversely as my great great grandfather. Why I said the voice is my great great grandfather is because the voice talks to me like his son, he knows me very well, yet I don’t know him, but from his voice I feel I am related to him, even though I haven’t seen him. Nonetheless, he knows everything about me and knows how to approach me. Whatever he says or asks of me, I always do it, I do it without any hesitation.
I remembered once he told me that I needed a new computer. I paused a bit, and asked myself how my great great grandfather could be acquainted with computers; after all he’s an old man. For the reason that very old people don’t know much about computers, yet surprisingly, my great great grandfather knows a lot about computers to tip me off to change my computer. Nevertheless I went and bought a new computer.
About a year and half ago or there about, my great great grandfather said to me in a rather concerned voice “you must get out of Nigeria, Biafra must get out of Nigeria.” He continued saying “you’re the editor of Igbo Focus; I want you to carry every news about Biafra on your website because BBC and other medias but especially BBC will never ever carry Biafra news.” I was quite rattled or astonished how my great great grandfather would know BBC by name. But what would make my great great grandfather too worried, anxious and wanting us to get out of Nigeria that quick I wondered.
Between nine and six months before America (US) elect their new president, the calm warming voice of my great great grandfather came across saying to me “there is a man going to win American election, he will help Biafra gain independence.” At this point in time, I didn’t know who Donald Trump was and I wasn’t even interested in American election.
Subsequently mentioning American election by my great great grandfather, I became interested in American election. I became more interested with the two main contenders – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I start researching Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the more I search, the more horrible things I discover on Hillary Clinton and Obama. And to a stage I got carried away, I found myself campaigning for Donald Trump. I was sending out emails to those people I know in America urging them to vote for Donald Trump. I was displaying things on Facebook beseeching with Americans not to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Days before the actual election, all the option polls had it that Hillary Clinton was winning.  Even at the Election Day, they had it that Hillary Clinton is winning whilst claiming that she would win the election outright to become the president.
At that moment in time, I was so upset that Hillary Clinton would win the election, and furthermore, not only that I was disappointed about Hillary Clinton going to win, I was also dismayed just for the reason that my great great grandfather told me nine or six months before the election that a man is going to win the election.
I was so depressed until a warm voice of my great great grandfather came across, he said: “cheer up, Donald Trump will win the election; tomorrow you will see that he won the election.” I said “it is impossible because Hillary Clinton is winning, tomorrow she will be outright winner.”  My great great grandfather said: “Donald Trump is going to be the winner tomorrow; there is nothing impossible for God.” I shouted “are you God?” no answer.
To date I haven’t heard from my great great grandfather. I now believe that my great great grandfather is God.
I have fought very hard not to write this article but I was compelled to, perhaps by my great great grandfather just to let President Donald Trump know that it wasn’t a dream he had, it is a real covenant he had with him. And with all the carrying on after Trump election, Trump might have forgotten the covenant he had with him before his election.
I am not doubting my great great grandfather after all he told me “there is nothing impossible for God.” But I am excitedly waiting to see how my great great grandfather would make President Donald Trump help Biafra gain independence. If Donald Trump did have such a covenant with him before he was elected President of the United States America, then he should fulfil his end of the bargain otherwise he might end up in the wrong side of my great great grandfather and I would not like to see that happen.

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