Saturday 26 September 2015

WARNING: 4 Fish to Never Eat (avoid these like the plague)

WARNING: 4 Fish to Never Eat (avoid these like the plague)

If you eat fish at least once a week, chances are you do it because you’ve been told it’s healthy. You’ve probably also been told that fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
And it’s true... deep-water fatty fish are excellent sources of omega-3s, which help maintain a healthy heart, support healthy, clear skin, improve cognitive brain function, and even support weight loss.
This is why the American Heart Association has for many years recommended that people eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week.

The Big Problem with Fish Most People Don’t Know About
But here’s what many people DON’T know...
The problem with eating fish, especially the large amount of fish you need to consume to get the recommended dose of omega-3s, is that many fish contain toxins.
You see, many fish absorb mercury and other heavy metals found in the ocean. New studies reveal that when you eat fish, there’s a good chance you’re also consuming unsafe levels of mercury, and possibly even copper, lead, and zinc!
The consumption of heavy metals has been linked to serious health threats, including reduced brain function, renal (kidney) failure, liver damage, cardiovascular diseases, and even death.
The bottom line: If you eat a lot of fish, you may be doing more harm to your body than good.
This “Fish Scam” Is More Common than You Think...
As you might expect, some fish are safer to eat than others, but did you know...
Fish are frequently mislabeled so it’s hard to know for sure what you’re actually eating.
For example, if you order fish at a restaurant, there’s a good chance that the fish you’re served is different than the one listed on the menu.
One study conducted by the advocacy group Oceana found that as much as 33% of all fish sold in restaurants and grocery stores to be fraudulently labeled. More specifically, they found that 95% of the sushi restaurants, 52% of other restaurants and 27% of grocery stores surveyed sold mis­labeled seafood.
So what are you getting in place of the fish you thought you ordered? In most cases, you’re getting a cheap low quality substitute.
To make matters worse, these cheap low quality substitutes also have some of the highest levels of toxins. While you think you’re being healthy by choosing to eat fish, you could be inadvertently dumping mercury and other heavy metals into your body.
But There’s an Even Bigger “Fish Fraud” Going On...
When you hear the term “farm raised” or “farm fresh”, you probably assume that means “healthy” (and that’s exactly what big food companies would like you to think)...
... but do you actually know the difference between farmed fish and wild-caught fish?
Wild-caught fish have “grown up” in their natural habitats (primarily the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans). Unfortunately, as pollution levels in our oceans continue to rise, the toxins in wild-caught fish are rising as well.
But are farmed fish a better option?
Research shows farm raised fish have significantly lower concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, up to 20% less protein and have much higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids that cause inflammation in the body.
Farmed fish are also given large amounts of antibiotics to prevent the spread of disease that result from crowded conditions. As one fish expert says, “If you eat farm-raised fish, you will also be eating some level of industrial antibiotics.”
Additionally, farm raised fish are treated with pesticides to combat sea lice... and studies by the Environmental Working Group and others have found that cancer-causing PCBs exist in certain farm-raised fish at up to 16x the rate of wild fish.
By almost every measure, farmed fish contains greater levels of toxins compared to their wild-caught cousins.
And here’s the kicker: 80% of the fish sold at grocery stores and fish markets is farmed fish!
Naturally, some fish are more dangerous to eat than others. But do you know which fish are the most dangerous?
Put These 4 Fish on Your “Do Not Eat” List
There are 4 specific types of fish -- all very common -- that you should literally NEVER eat due to potentially high levels of contamination that can bombard the delicate cells of your body with toxins.
In the end, this toxic build-up contributes to achy joints, premature aging of the skin (and less visible organs like the heart, kidneys, and liver), difficulty shedding excess weight, cognitive decline, forgetfulness, feeling blue and moody, and so much more...
Whatever you do, AVOID these 4 types of fish like the plague:

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