Friday 28 August 2015

Some 100 children benefit from Denise Dawson Back to School Ministry

Students awaiting their goodies. Photo: Provided
Some of the children at the Back to School event. Photo: Provided
Some of the children at the Back to School event. Photo: Provided
Principal of Enid Scatliffe Primary School Mrs. Valerie Charles Welsh engaging students at the Back to School Ministry. Photo: Provided
Principal of Enid Scatliffe Primary School Mrs. Valerie Charles Welsh engaging students at the Back to School Ministry. Photo: Provided
Speaking to this news site today August 25, 2015, Purcell Girls' Brigades Lieutenant Tammi T. David said that the event was a success as the number of children who turned out continues to grow. Photo: Provided
Speaking to this news site today August 25, 2015, Purcell Girls' Brigades Lieutenant Tammi T. David said that the event was a success as the number of children who turned out continues to grow. Photo: Provided
The late Denise Dawson. Photo: Provided
The late Denise Dawson. Photo: Provided
Daughter of Denise Dawson Sabrina Dawson and her grandmother Maria Gardner who formed the foundation for her daughter. Photo: Provided
Daughter of Denise Dawson Sabrina Dawson and her grandmother Maria Gardner who formed the foundation for her daughter. Photo: Provided 
PURCELL, Tortola, VI - The Denise Dawson Back to School Ministry, along with The Purcell Methodist Church and the Purcell Girls Brigade, has once again welcomed children from the surrounding community to its back to school event, which was dubbed a success.
On Saturday August 22, 2015 at 4:00 pm approximately 100 children came out to the event held at the Purcell Community Centre, which opened with a short ceremony with Purcell Girls' Brigade Lieutenant Tammi T. David as the chairperson.
According to David, the back to school event was started by Denise Dawson who passed away on May 29, 2013. Her Mother decided to create a ministry called Denise Dawson back to school ministry as this is what Ms Dawson would have wanted.
The event had an opening prayer, songs, bravest child award for each age group, a word from Honourable Alvera-Maduro-Caines and a motivational talk on a number of P words by the Principal of Enid Scatliffe Primary School Mrs. Valerie Charles Welsh.
During the presentation, Principal Valerie Charles-Welsh, utilised a number of words starting with the letter P that encouraged students to focus on as they start the new school year. Through interactive activities students in various school uniforms were used to role play key concepts of her presentation.
These included:
P – Be Prepared (with adequate, supplies, mentally, spiritually)
P- Plan carefully
P –Display Proper behaviour at all times
P -Be Positive
P- Be Polite
P- Be Persistent in achieving your goal.
P-Be Prayerful and always include God in everything.
Principal Charles-Welsh also took the opportunity to share Ephesians 6:1-3 and they were encouraged to obey their parents who are the key partners in their growth as they learn.
Parents were also given a handout of a quote by Dr. Haim Ginnot, which read: ‘Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression’. At this point, parents were encouraged to make a positive impact on their children by guiding and supporting them on their journey to success. Principal Charles-Welsh also applauded the Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines as well as the family of the late Denise Dawson for partnering in sourcing the Back-to-School items for the students.
The session was an interactive one with many of the children indicating that they have learnt something about the letter P.
After the session the children enjoyed a social session of meeting everyone there as they snacked on light refreshments.
At the event, the children also received back to school bag packs filled with school supplies. The pre-school and stages 1 and 2 children received draw string bags with colouring books, crayons, pencil, sharpener, penmanship book and activity book. The primary school and high school children received tote bags with pencils, pens, rulers, sharpeners, books, highlighters, binder leaves and binders.
Event dubbed as a success
Speaking to this news site today August 25, 2015, David said that event was a success as the number of participants continues to grow.
“It was bigger this year. The event is usually held at the Purcell Methodist Church but we decided to take it to the Community Centre because the community is growing and we saw from last year that it was more than the church could hold,” she said.
“This is something that Denise Dawson always had the passion to do and her mother decided that we have to continue her legacy,” said David.
The Girl’s Brigade is an inter-denominational organisation, whereby children of any church can be a part of the group. It is part of a global Christian movement with a passionate vision for this generation and the future.
According to a press release, the group is committed to seeing lives and communities transformed and enriched as individuals seek, serve and follow Jesus Christ.
The Purcell Girls Brigade meet every Saturday afternoon at the Purcell Methodist Church from 3:00 pm to 4:30pm. For more information persons can contact Ms Tammi T. David on 544-3110.
“A special thank you to Sabrina (Ms Dawson’s daughter) and Sedrick Dawson (husband) for their continued support towards this event. May her soul continue to rest in peace. We would like to say a special thank you to Qwomar Trading, Onemart Store, Price Lo Mini Mart, Eustace 'Boss' Freeman and Hon Maduro-Caines for their contribution towards this event,” stated the press release.

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