Tuesday 28 March 2017

kid spotted a rattlesnake in the toilet

A Texas kid spotted a rattlesnake in the toilet —found 23 snakes

When young Isac Mcfadden of Abilene, Texas, got up to use the bathroom recently, he found an unexpected surprise in the toilet.

But he knew the "clump" wasn't the sort to handle on his own, so he called for his mom.
"I found this big clump and I knew it was (a) snake," he told the local CBS affiliate WTSP.
Not just any snake. A western diamondback rattlesnake, one of the most dangerous species in the US.
The boy's mother took a shovel and killed the unwelcome toilet explorer. But the family also called Big Country Snake Removal, just to make sure the issue was taken care of.
It wasn't.
rattlesnakes texas As Nathan Hawkins, the owner of the snake-removal business, found out shortly after he arrived, 23 more of the rattlesnakes were nearby. Thirteen were hiding out in a cellar, and 10 were under the house, including five babies.
On the Big Country Snake Removal the team explained how so many of the creatures could be there and escape notice: "It's actually quite simple; rattlesnakes are secretive and can be very cryptic — They rely heavily on their camouflage. This is simply how they survive. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there..."
rattlesnakes texas
With the proper tools, as the Big Country team told Business Insider via Facebook, such snakes can be removed without killing them, and the team was able to do just that for the remaining snakes at the Mcfadden abode.
In general, Hawkins told CBS News, snakes can be relocated to safer locations or donated to schools, where they can be studied.
Western diamondbacks tend to gather in dens during the winter to keep warm, which is why he knew to keep looking even after the Mcfaddens had disposed of the first one.
In these cases, calling an expert is always a good idea. Inexperienced people who try to kill a snake more likely to be bitten, Hawkins said.


Thursday 23 March 2017

LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 08: A homeless person sleeps in a doorway in the West End on December 8, 2016 in London, England. Homelessness charity Shelter estimates that more than a quarter of a million people have no permanent home. Westminster in London is one of the worst hotspots for homelessness in England with one in 25 without a home according to Shelter figures. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
People sleeping rough are being threatened with fines in locations across England 
People sleeping rough in locations across England face being fined at least £100 by councils using controversial banning orders. 
Human rights organisations have hit out at local authorities for threatening people with fines for sleeping on the street or begging by using so-called PSPOs

Public Space Protection Orders were introduced in 2014 and give councils powers to fine people for behaviour that would not normally be considered criminal.
 shows more than a dozen have used them to threaten people with fines for begging, while at least four have powers to fine people for sleeping rough.
The councils say the orders were introduced to tackle anti-social behaviour but homeless charities say they risk making things tougher for already vulnerable people.
 EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND - AUGUST 24: A homeless man sits on Princess Street on August 24, 2015 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Thousands of households in the UK are slipping below the poverty line as higher rents and tumbling wages bite down on family finances, according to figures published recently. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
Many PSPOs also target people who beg or aggressively beg 
LONDON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 27: Two homeless men sleep near Trafalgar Square on January 27, 2016 in London, England. A group of 21 charities, including Crisis, St Mungos and Centrepoint, have called for extra effort by the next London Mayor to help end the growing problem of homelessness on Londons streets. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
PSPOs have been criticised by human rights organisation Liberty 
Rick Henderson, chief executive of Homeless Link, said the statistic was particularly concerning given a rise of 51% in rough sleepers across England.

‘It is unacceptable that people who do not choose to sleep rough are being fined for their misfortune,’ he said.

Five frozen tigers with their organs removed discovered in man’s freezer

Five frozen tigers with their organs removed discovered in man’s freezer

Five frozen tigers with their organs removed discovered in man's freezer
Five frozen tigers have been discovered in a Vietnamese man’s freezer with their organs removed. Tiger organs and bones are used for medicinal purposes in the communist country, where a thriving local market drives the illegal sale of animal parts including ivory and rhino horn. But Vietnam is also a key transit route for wildlife parts destined for elsewhere in Asia, including neighbouring China.
The five tigers were discovered in the central province of Nghe An on Monday, according to a report from the official provincial newspaper.
‘The authorities found inside a freezer five dead tigers, with the skins intact but the internal organs removed,’ it said.
Five frozen tigers with their organs removed discovered in man's freezer
Tiger bones are boiled down and put into rice wine to help treat ailments 
Five frozen tigers with their organs removed discovered in man's freezer
              The tigers had had their internal organs removed
The tigers were Indochinese, according to Vietnam News Agency, but officials said police would investigate further. Police refused to comment Tiger bones are commonly boiled down and mixed with rice wine in Vietnam, a mixture believed to treat arthritis and promote strength.
Conservationists say Vietnam is one of the world’s worst countries for trade in endangered species, an accusation which it denies.
Police regularly seize hauls of ivory, rhino horn and exotic species including pangolins, but conservation groups say these represent just a small part of the trade passing through the communist country.
Prince William delivered an urgent plea in Vietnam in November to end wildlife trafficking to save critically endangered species.

Public get first glimpse of Jesus’ tomb after restoration

Public get first glimpse of Jesus' tomb after restoration
         Christian clergymen and other guests attend a ceremony next to the Edicule 
The public has been given a first glimpse of Jesus’ tomb after a recent refurbishment. 
 The site, known as the Edicule, sits over the spot where Christians believe Jesus’ body was buried.  It is situated in the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and was presented to the public on Monday after several months of restoration works.
It is more than 200 years since the last restoration at the site after the fire.
The project was led by professor Antonia Moropolou from the National Technical University of Athens and worked to reinforce and conserve the site.
Public get first glimpse of Jesus' tomb after restoration
The restored Edicule is seen during a ceremony in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Picture: EPA/SEBASTIAN SCHEINER / POOL)
Public get first glimpse of Jesus' tomb after restoration
       Christian priests look at a ceremony in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre 
Public get first glimpse of Jesus' tomb after restoration

The site is managed by the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches which all contributed £2.3 million to the project.
King Abdullah of Jordan is also understood to have made a personal donation, according to the  The tomb contains the limestone shelf on which it is believed that Christ’s body was laid to rest but researchers also found a marble shelf, believed to date to the 12th Century.
Archaeologist Fredrik Hiebert of National Geographic, which was a partner in the project, said: ‘The shrine has been destroyed many times by fire, earthquakes, and invasions over the centuries. We didn’t really know if they had built it in exactly the same place every time.
‘But this seems to be visible proof that the spot the pilgrims worship today really is the same tomb the Roman Emperor Constantine found in the 4th century and the Crusaders revered. It’s amazing.
‘When we realised what we had found my knees were shaking a little bit.’

Mother refused to breastfeed newborn son ‘because he looked like an alien

Mother refused to breastfeed newborn son 'because he looked like an alien'
              Khalida Begum gave birth to the boy on Monday 
A baby boy born with a deformed head has been inundated with visitors who think he is a reincarnation of a Hindu God – despite being labelled an ‘alien’ by his mother.

Mum-of-four Khalida Begum, 35, gave birth to the yet-to-be-named baby on Monday and was ‘shocked’ when she saw he had a small head and bulging eyes.
Doctors in India diagnosed the boy with extremely rare genetic condition harlequin ichthyosis, which gives sufferers thick skin and deformed features, locals said.
Villagers in Kadamgachi in Kathihar, are now flocking to the family home, believing he is an incarnation of Hindu monkey god Hanuman, it has been reported.
Mother refused to breastfeed newborn son 'because he looked like an alien'
                            The boy is not expected to survive
Mother refused to breastfeed newborn son 'because he looked like an alien'
The family has been visited by people who believe he may be a Hindu god 
His mother said: ‘Several body parts of the baby is not completely developed.

‘When I saw the baby after delivery for the first time, I was completely shocked to see the alien-looking boy.  ‘I couldn’t believe that I had a delivered an alien-like boy. I was so shocked and saddened by this that I asked the midwife to take the baby out of my sight.
‘My other children were born healthy without any deformity. That’s why it took me sometime to absorb the shock.’
The boy’s father, Mohammed Imtiyaz added: ‘Maybe God has sent him as an exhibit.’
Local sources said the boy was not expected to survive.
Mother refused to breastfeed newborn son 'because he looked like an alien'
                         She gave birth to the boy in India 

Touching moment deaf baby cries after hearing his mother’s voice for the first time

Touching moment deaf baby cries after hearing his mother’s voice for the first time

Touching moment deaf baby cries after hearing his mother's voice for the first time
                  Dawson reacts to hearing his mother for the first time 
This is the adorable moment a previously deaf baby hears the sound of his mother’s voice for the first time. 
 Born with congenital Cytomegalovirus, 10-month-old Dawson Shull, from Roxboro, North Carolina, USA, has lived most of his life in relative silence.Born in May 2016, the tiny tot suffered severe loss of hearing in his right ear and profound loss in the left, meaning so far, he could hear little more than nonsensical sounds in the environment that surrounds him.
Little Dawson smiles as he sits watching Minnie Mouse and hearing the voices around him for the first time, but it all gets too much as he hears mum Jessica’s voice calling his name causing the toddler to burst into tears.

Terror attack thwarted as man who tried to drive into crowd in Antwerp arrested

Terror attack thwarted as man who tried to drive into crowd in Antwerp arrested

                    Terror attack thwarted as man who tried to drive into crowd in Antwerp arrested
                       A man tried to drive into a crowd in Antwerp (Picture: ATV)
A man has been arrested after trying to drive into a crowd in Antwerp, Belgium.
Belgian police have confirmed a suspect has been detained.
Prosecutors have confirmed the suspect arrested is a French national and said they found knives, a shotgun and a gas can with an unknown liquid.

He has been identified as 39-year-old Mohamed R, a French national of North African origin and living in France.
The maroon-coloured vehicle, believed to have French number plates, ran a red light before the man attempted to drive directly into a crowded shopping street.
The attacker apparently made several unsuccessful attempted to mow down pedestrians.
Police in the northern Belgian city of Antwerp said the man tried to enter the main pedestrianised shopping street in a car at high speed.
Images posted on social media show investigators at the scene.
Terror attack thwarted as man who tried to drive into crowd in Antwerp arrested
Belgian defence, pictured at the Sint-Michielskaai in Antwerp, the location of a possible thwarted terrorist attack in Antwerp, Thursday 23 March 2017 The bomb squad was brought in and the authorities raised security in the centre of town, in places where people normally gather.Antwerp police chief Serge Muyters said the driver of the car was detained once it was stopped.
‘At about 11 a.m. this morning a vehicle entered De Meir at high speed due to which pedestrians had to jump away,’ a police spokesman told a news conference, referring to the street name.
He added the driver was later arrested and additional police and military personnel had been deployed to the centre of Antwerp.
                     Terror attack thwarted as man who tried to drive into crowd in Antwerp arrested
                                                 De Meir, Antwerp 
A man in camouflage was taken away by authorities, the press conference was told.
Eyewitnesses said they saw many being forced to jump out of the way as the speed of the car increased. It is not yet known if there were any serious injuries.
‘The car was stopped as it jumped a red light, and a safety perimeter established around it immediately,’ said a local police source.‘Soldiers on patrol searched it, and it was found to contain weapons, and other illegal materials. The driver was wearing a military style uniform, and was arrested at the scene in the early afternoon.
‘An anti-terrorist enquiry has been launched. Bomb disposal experts are at the scene, along with sniffer dogs.’
It was almost a year to the day since Islamic State suicide bombers murdered 32 people in Brussels, after attacking the city’s airport and a metro station.
Those responsible were part of the Isis gang that hit Paris in November 2015, killing 130 people in a single night of violence.
           Terror attack thwarted as man who tried to drive into crowd in Antwerp arrested
Belgian defence, patrol in Antwerp where Belgian police arrested a man on March 23, 2017 

Today Private plane flipped upside down and fell 10,000ft after being caught in wake of A380

Today Private plane flipped upside down and fell 10,000ft after being caught in wake of A380

Private plane flipped upside down and fell 10,000ft after being caught in wake of A380
The Bombardier Challenger 604 lost control (Picture: Vanallen.com)
A private plane flipped upside down and plunged 10,000ft after getting caught in the wake turbulence of an Emirates A380, it has been revealed.
The incident saw several people onboard the German plane seriously injured – however, it did not crash.  Taking place on January 7, the Bombardier Challenger 604 business jet flew 1,000ft below the Airbus flying from Dubai to Sydney in the opposite direction.
The private jet was travelling over the Arabian sea at the time.
Around 60 seconds after the superjumbo Airbus passed by, the wake turbulence hit the jet and sent it into an uncontrolled roll.
                              The jet fell into an uncontrollable spin
In total, the private aircraft flipped between three and five times.
After hitting the wake turbulence, both of the plane’s engines cut out and its Ram Air Turbine would not work, causing it to plunge 10,000ft.

The pilots, however, managed to regain control using ‘raw muscle force’.
Eventually, they restarted the engines and diverted the flight to Muscat airport in Oman.
Several people of board were rushed to hospital following the emergency landing. One sustained serious injuries.

                  Private plane flipped upside down and fell 10,000ft after being caught in wake of A380
                                     The A380 caused wake turbulence

Woman ‘fed live puppies and kittens to python then put pictures online’

Woman ‘fed live puppies and kittens to python then put pictures online’

                  Woman 'fed live puppies and kittens to python then put pictures online'

A woman is being investigated after it was alleged that she fed live puppies and kittens to her pet python.
The unnamed woman is then said to have posted pictures of the snake crushing at least one of them to death.
An image of one of the pets being killed that was spotted on an advert for a pet snake by a worker at an animal shelter has been released by the Guardia Civil. The animal shelter worker posed as a potential buyer to approach the woman who said she gave the snake live dogs, cats and birds.
She could face charges of animal abuse following the allegations in the town of Loja, Grenada, according to The Local.
Royal Pythons, like the one pictured, kill their pray by crushing them to death or starving them of oxygen.
They are non-venemous, can live for up to 30 years and grow to about 5ft, making them one of the most popular pet snake breeds in the world

Monday 20 March 2017

Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found

Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found


A photo has emerged of the body of Solomon Edward Daloba, a youth corps member who was until his death, serving in Jos, Plateau state.
Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found
Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found
Reports suggest that he was murdered, sources reveal that his body was found in a refuse dump.
The NYSC member was a Computer Science graduate of Bingham University.

Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found
Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found
Tears flow like rivers as body of murdered NYSC member is found
His lifeless body was found at a dump site in Jos.
Below are posts in reaction of this great loss, not just to the family, but to the nation at large.
May he find rest in the bosom of Abraham.


Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH

Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH

Few days to his exam, Adesoji Adediran, a final year student of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) took his life

- Adediran was in the department of Urban and Regional Planning
- He reportedly hung himself in the school hostel, on Sunday, March 19
A final year student of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology in Ogbomosho, Oyo state, Adesoji Adediran, was found dangling from a rope on Sunday, March 19.
                                      Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH
Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH
He was found by his roommates, who had been away for a night study. They returned in the morning to find his corpse dangling from the ceiling.
According to Punch Metro, the school management was said alerted, and the information was sent to the Owode police division.
It was policemen from the division that removed the remains.
The corpse was said to have been deposited in a mortuary for autopsy.
A classmate of the victim, who asked not to be identified, said Adediran’s remains were found around 5.30am.
He said: “He has two roommates. The roommates went for a night study on Friday. When they returned to the room on Saturday, they discovered that he had hanged himself with a cable. Nobody has an idea why he killed himself.”
Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH
Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH
A close friend of the victim, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, expressed surprise at Adediran’s death.
He said: “As his friend, what pained me most was that we still played together on Friday night. He never opened up to me. We asked him to go with us for the night study, but he said he preferred to stay behind. Around 5.30am when we returned, we found his corpse. He was almost done with his final year project and he never complained of anything. We are a clique and we eat together; it was all fun, until we found his corpse.”
He described the deceased as “funny and lively”, saying Adediran couldn’t have suffered from depression.
He said the police from the Owode division removed the corpse from the room.
Stressing that the police took statements from the roommates, which were later withdrawn by the deceased’s parents, who insisted on not pursuing any case due to the nature of the death.
The parents also objected to the idea of holding a candle-light procession in his honour, saying they wanted him to “rest in peace.”
This is just as tributes have continued pouring in from friends of the victim on Facebook.
A friend, who identified himself as Horlarholu Xarmoohel Cartel, said the late Adediran was a fan of the Chelsea Football Club.
He said, “Adesoji, can’t believe my eyes when I saw adieu in your name. I don’t know this is what you mean when you said, ‘I am not coming to class again,’ after we sat for a test last week. Haa! SOJ, the best Chelsea fan I ever knew; the best record keeper who doesn’t need Google before he tells you history of football. Already missing you bro, can’t get hold of myself since I heard about your death. I know God knows best.”
                                 Sorrow as final year student kills himself at LAUTECH

Another friend, Adepeju Babatudne, wrote, “Hmmm, I saw him and Tayo (bestie) beside my hostel cracking jokes with friends when we finished that test. I even accused him of not coming for the test, but he replied, ‘I came nah…’ I don’t even know what to write right now because I know what you passed through when we were in 200 level, but why now? Rest on dear.”
When contacted, an official of the school said the management was not aware of the incident.
He, however, promised to get back after contacting a director in the school. He had yet to do so as of press time.
The Oyo state police spokes person, DSP Ajisebutu Adekunle, said: “The deceased killed himself by hanging from a ceiling fan. He didn’t leave any note. The case is under investigation. Meanwhile, the corpse has been deposited at LAUTECH morgue for autopsy.”



Chaos in Biafra camp, as Nnamdi Kanu dissociates himself from new Radio Biafra

Chaos in Biafra camp, as Nnamdi Kanu dissociates himself from new Radio Biafra in America


The Biafran struggle has been expanded to America by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), through radio broadcast

- Leonard Anemene, a leader of the organization, discloses that the maiden edition of its broadcast will be aired on Sunday, March 19, 2017
- The expansion seem to be without the blessing of Nnamdi Kanu
- The embattled leader of the IPOB says he knows nothing of the development
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has dissociated himself and his deputy, Uche Mefor, from a live broadcast of Radio Biafra slated for this Sunday, March 19, in the Unites States of America.
                                     Chaos in Biafra camp, as Nnamdi Kanu dissociates himself from new Radio Biafra in America
Chaos in Biafra camp, as Nnamdi Kanu dissociates himself from new Radio Biafra in America
Premium Times reports that the IPOB leader who spoke through his lawyer, Ifeanyi Ejiofor, in a telephone conversation with newsmen on Sunday, said he was aware but did not give permission for the launch.
Radio Biafra was slated to go on air live in the USon Sunday. This was disclosed by Leonard Anemene, a leader of the organisation, in a statement issued on Friday, March 17.
Mr. Anemene noted that if not for some challenges, the project would have been out earlier.
He however, failed to disclose the exact location where the station will be operating from.
“Radio Biafra has approval and authorization to set up in America according to the U.S. laws,” Mr. Kanu said on Sunday.
“But neither me nor my deputy, Uche Mefor, gave approval for it to go on air today in America,” the IPOB leader stressed.
Kanu is currently being tried by the federal government for treason based on his formation of IPOB, establishment of Radio Biafra, and his call for a sovereign Biafran state.
Meawhile, IPOB through its spokesperson, Emma Powerful, say it is positive that their embattled leader will be set free on Monday, March 20.
In a statement by the scribe, the IPOB says it expects the Justice Binta Nyako-led court to quash the remaining charges against Kanu and others because they are innocent.
IPOB also urged Igbos from all section of life to show solidarity by storming the Federal High court to witness the likely release of Kanu and others.
The statement reads: “The court case that is coming up this Monday in the Federal High Court, Abuja is between our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and federal government of Nigeria on the concocted charge of treasonable felony without proof or evidence.
“Nigeria has the dubious distinction of being the only contraption on earth where those that hold opposing views to that of the government are locked up on the grounds of being treasonous yet no single evidence to back up the claim."

senator Dino Melaye in certificate scand

Bigger troubles await Dino Melaye, the senator representing Kogi West at the National Assembly following a revelation that he never graduated from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria as is being claimed.
                                          Senator Dino Melaye in certificate scandal
Senator Dino Melaye is an ally of Senate President Bukola Saraki
Melaye, who is known for his controversial stand on national issues as well as a lasting political battle with his former friend and governor of Kogi state, Yahaya Bello, recently alerted Nigerians that there were plans to carry fictitious allegations against him.
Melaye thinks this move was being planned to get him to face the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) because he was a major factor that stood against the confirmation of Ibrahim Magu as chairman of the anti-corruption organisation.
Sahara Reporters is confirming that Melaye never graduated from the department of geography from ABU.
The report also claims that the DSS was alerted over this but that the security agency covered it up and allowed the man blossom.
“At least three exam officers at ABU, Zaria insists that @dino_melaye never graduated from geography department, DG DSS alerted but covered it up,” the report said.
They said Dino's name was not on graduation list and further accused him of bribing his head of department.
we got  reports that Dino Melaye graduated with a Bsc in geography from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria adding that about 30 undergraduates are currently enjoying scholarship under his education empowerment fund.

medical doctor jumps into Lagos lagoon, kills self

A man who is believed to be a medical doctor has reportedly taken his own life by jumping into the Lagos lagoon at the Third Mainland Bridge.
 the incident occurred on Sunday, March 19, 2017.
Medical doctor jumps into Lagos lagoon, kills self
Rescue operation at the scene of the incident
The report said the alleged medical doctor was driven to the spot in his Nissan SUV. He stopped the driver with the excuse that he wanted to check something on the body of the car.
The unsuspecting driver reportedly stopped only for the man to jump into the lagoon.
PM NEWS corroborated the reports adding that the man, while being driven, was receiving a call when he suddenly asked his driver to stop.
"The driver of the SUV was quoted as saying that the man asked him to stop, came out of the vehicle and jumped into the Lagoon on Third Mainland Bridge," the report said adding that the incident occurred between Adekunle and Adeniji end of the bridge.
The driver and the SUV have been taken to the police station while officials of the Lagos state Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) and security officers are currently at the scene to retrieve the body of the victim.

Saturday 11 March 2017

•Victor and Ahmed
On March 3, 2017, 20-year-old Precious Victor, a barman at King’s Bar located at Anifowose, Mushin area of Lagos, realised that he had had enough.
He said he needed to get out of the job 
But first, he had to force his boss, Mr. Tajudeen Oso, to give him some money.
“All I wanted to do was to threaten him a little, get N63,000 from him and run away,” he said.
According to him, he realised he could not carry out the plan alone, so he enlisted the help of one of his friends, Kelechi, and another acquaintance, a customer named Ahmed.
But Victor said things went terribly wrong with their plan. By evening of that day, his boss, Oso, lay dead.
The man had been stabbed twice in the stomach. He bled to death on the premises of his bar.
Faced with the horror of their deed, Kelechi fled. Victor also fled in a car driven by Ahmed.
On Friday, as they were paraded before journalists at the Lagos State Police Command Headquarters, Victor and Ahmed, who were apprehended after fleeing, explained how the incident went down.
Victor said, “I live in an accommodation on the premises of the bar. Kelechi lives with me as well. I was actually introduced to my boss (the victim)by Kelechi’s boss. We discussed the plan and when Ahmed, whom I had known as a regular customer, came to the bar to drink on Friday, I also told him about the plan and he said he was interested.
“The plan was only to threaten my boss, and tell him we needed N63,000. We had no intension of killing him.
“That day, I was hiding in the kitchen when Kelechi put our plan in motion. But something went wrong. He hit my boss in the head with a bottle. When I heard noise, I came out. My boss then said, ‘Precious, you people want to kill me?’ I said no but he came towards me and bit me in the stomach. He was dragging me and would not let go.
“Kelechi was dragging him so that he could free me but when he did not, Kelechi took a knife and stabbed him twice in the stomach.”
Victor refused to say what he wanted to do with the money he wanted from his boss. All he said was he wanted to use it to do “different things”.
Ahmed on the other hand said that even though he was told about the plan to do something, he did not know the details of what Victor was up to.
He insisted that he was just a University of Maiduguri undergraduate who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
According to him, he agreed to drive Victor away from the scene to help him but did not know that he had committed such a crime in the bar.
“I got to their bar on Friday, March 3. I was drinking when he came to me to ask if I could drive. I said yes, he gave me the car key and I put it in the ignition. It did not start. He had told me earlier in the day that he was planning to do something and asked if I was interested, I said yes even though I did not know what it was,” Ahmed said.
The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Fatai Owoseni, who paraded the suspects, explained that they would be charged to court as soon as investigation into the case was concluded.

Police parade fake chemist after death of pregnant woman

Umoren, who claimed to be a chemist, was said have administered the injection following the advice of the deceased’s husband, Mr. Sunday Udofia. Parading the suspect alongside 21 other alleged criminals at the headquarters of the Cross River State Police Command in Calabar, the state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Hafiz Inuwa, said that the administered injection was meant to terminate the pregnancy of the deceased.
Inuwa said the suspect had confessed to the crime and would soon be charged to the court.
He said, “On February 11, 2017, one Sunday Udofia reported at Akamkpa Police Division that a chemist identified as Godswill Umoren had, in a bid to terminate and abort the pregnancy of his wife, Uduak Udofia, administered injection which led to her death. The suspect has confessed to the offence and will soon appear in court.”
But Umoren, who is an indigene of Ikot-Ekpene in Akwa Ibom State, admitted to administering the injection despite being a qualified health worker.
He said, “I was the one that gave her the injection. Her husband called me to his house to examine his sick wife. I asked her what happened, she said that she was having body pain and they bought drugs for her. When I gave her the injection initially, she did not die.
“I am not a medical personnel, I learnt how to administer drugs and inject patients from my brother who is a doctor. I only helped her to recover.”
Similarly, the police paraded a 25-year-old female armourer, Hope Usang, who was alleged to lease arms to suspected armed robbers in Calabar.
The commissioner of police said that Usang was arrested on February 24, 2017, following a case of armed robbery involving one Paschal Bisong of Ekpeyong Effiok Street in the Calabar Municipality axis of the metropolis.
He said that after Paschal had complained to the police about the robbery attack, his men swung into action and arrested one Emmanuel Edet-Etim and Idoreyin Usa.
The commissioner explained that after thorough investigation by the police, the suspects confessed that they got the arms from Usang for the robbery.
He told newsmen that the suspects would soon be charged to court accordingly

Three escape death as storey building collapses in Rivers

Three persons escaped death when an uncompleted three-storey building collapsed on Thursday in Elakahia community, Obio/Apkor Local Government Area of Rivers State. The building, which was near completion and located around NYSC Road in Alakahia, collapsed at about 6 am, while neighbours were still asleep.
It was learnt that about three workers at the construction site were temporarily residing in the building, but it could not be ascertained at press time if they were in the building when the collapse occurred.
Although, no trace of trapped body has been found, it is believed that the occupants of the building escaped death.
A cleric, who resides opposite the collapsed building, Pastor Obinna Amefule, narrated that the sound of the fall caused panic in the area as residents trooped out in their numbers to have a view of the collapsed building.
Amefule expressed fear over the lives of the occupants of the building, wondering why they were not within sight while the crowd watched.
“We knew that the people in the building were living inside there; our fear was that they were inside when the building fell. But I don’t think anything happened to them.”
He expressed displeasure with the quality of job at the site saying, “If you look round the building, you will see that there is no pillar there. They used ordinary blocks in place of pillars. Everybody that passed here said this building would not last and it has happened.”
Another resident, who shares boundary with the collapsed building, Solomon Erim, blamed the development on quality of material used for the building.

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