Thursday 26 May 2016

young boy was said to be murdered by his mother

Oh my! this young boy was said to be murdered by his mother in Ishogon Community because she sent him salt and he went to buy sugar, the mother angrily took him to the backyard and with a cutlass and cut his neck. When asked why she did it then she said she didn't know, the people of the community inturn butcher her leaving her dead just the same way she left the son.

Man Butchered & Dumped In Front Of Yaba Tech This Morning ( Viewers Discretion Advised)

Man Butchered & Dumped In Front Of Yaba Tech This Morning ( Viewers Discretion Advised)


A guy named Quadri and alleged to be a cultist, was killed in the very early hours of today and dumped in front of Yaba College of Technology. He had multiple stab wounds from most likely a broken bottle. His killers also opened his stomach.

Man Butchered & Dumped In Front Of Yaba Tech This Morning ( Viewers Discretion Advised)

Thursday 19 May 2016

SHOCKING: The Chinese are sending canned human meat to Africa.

China: No, we are not sending cans of human flesh to Africa

China's ambassador to Zambia released a stern statement on Tuesday, seeking to battle misinformation that he said was harming China's reputation in Africa. "This is completely a malicious slandering and vilification, which is absolutely unacceptable to us," according to Yang Youming's statement, which was widely reported in Chinese state media.
The misinformation in question? That China was taking dead bodies, marinating them, putting them in cans and then selling them in African supermarkets.
Chinese state media accused tabloids in Zambia of spreading the rumors, stating that "people with ulterior motives were attempting to destroy the long-standing partnership between Zambia and China." A number of blogs and other publications appeared to have picked up the stories from Facebook.
Some reports quoted people who allegedly worked in Chinese meat factories as saying that the practice had begun because China had run out of space to bury their dead or that Beijing reserved its good, nonhuman meat for more powerful countries.
Such rumors are, of course, untrue. As the hoax-busting website notes, the photographs shared online that purport to show "human flesh" were from a 2012 marketing stunt for the video-game Resident Evil 6.
However, the widespread coverage of the story in Chinese state media would suggest that the rumor had touched a nerve. Yang demanded an investigation by Zambia, prompting an apology from Zambian Deputy Defense Minister Christopher Mulenga. "The government of Zambia regrets the incident in view of the warm relations that exist between Zambia and China," Mulenga was quoted as saying by China's official Xinhua News Agency. "We shall make sure that relevant government authorities will take up the investigations and give a comprehensive statement."
China has long had deep business ties with Zambia, with Beijing funding important infrastructure projects in the country and seeking Zambia's natural resources to help sustain its own growing economy. However, China's spreading influence in Zambia has bred resentment among many locals, who accuse China of providing low wages and dangerous working conditions at its projects. There have been a number of scandals involving Chinese projects in Zambia, including an explosion at a factory in 2005 that killed more than 50 Zambian workers.

Monday 16 May 2016

Did A Time Traveler Go To 1995 To Film A Random Mike Tyson Fight?

Did A Time Traveler Go To 1995 To Film A Random Mike Tyson Fight?

 Someone watched Mike Tyson’s 1995 fight against Peter McNeeley and noticed something rather unusual. Well, unusual in the sense that this fight is from 1995 and it sure as heck looks like someone in the crowd is using a smartphone.

The evidence: at one point during the fight, a spectator held up a big white square thing that had a camera lens on it. In 2016, that sounds like someone is using an iPhone, a Galaxy, or something similar. But in 1995, cell phones were pretty uncommon, and those who had cell phones didn’t have devices with cameras in them yet.
But still, take a look at this thing…tyson fight smartphonetyson fight smartphone

That absolutely, positively looks like someone is holding up a smartphone. Not just because it looks like a phone, but when you’re taking pictures of something on a stage (or, in this case, in a boxing ring) you have to hold your phone up like that.
Unfortunately for those who think there are shenanigans afoot, the person behind this video and the fine folks at Metro think they have an answer to this question. Sadly, no one went back in space and time to a random Tyson fight…probably. Instead, their answer is that some digital cameras looked like this back in the day.
But you know what? We’re going to go ahead and guess that this is time travel, regardless. So if you’re the person with the smartphone in this video, do us a favor and go into the future next time. We really want to know if the Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor superfight actually happens, and also if you can hook me up with the Powerball numbers for every week from now until 2050, that would be awesome.


Here's What You Should Do If You're Ever Bitten By a Snake

Step one: Do NOT attempt to suck out the venom.

From avid gardeners to hikers, anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors runs the risk of crossing paths with a poisonous snake. And if you think you're not in a snake-prone state, think again. According to the CDC, venomous snakes are found across the country, with the eastern and southern states at higher risk. Some of the most common varieties are copperheads, coral snakes, rattlesnakes and water moccasins (also called cottonmouths). 
Each year in the U.S., approximately 7,000 to 8,000 people get venomous snake bites. Globally, that number jumps to 2.4 million. Even though the national figure isn't alarmingly high, bites can be fatal, especially if proper steps aren't taken once the incident occurs. 
One of the biggest myths surrounding treatment is that sucking the venom out will help. Do not do that. Cutting or applying suction to the area will only cause more damage. You should also avoid ice packs, tourniquets or any anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. 
If you get bitten, the first and most important step is, of course, calling 911 and getting to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible. Until you get there, here are a few things you can do on your own:
  • Remove any tight-fitting clothes or jewelry.
  • Take photos of the wound every 15 minutes. Capture the site of the wound and any other swollen area that appears on the skin. This will come in handy when you get to the hospital. 
  • Do not panic. Doing anything that increases your heart rate will spread the venom quicker. 
Staying calm when you've been bitten by a poisonous snake may sound impossible, but let us offer some perspective: the chances of dying from a lightning strike are higher. Out of the thousands of people bitten each year, there are five or six fatalities, which means one out of every 50 million people will die from a venomous snakebite. 
For tips on how to identify venomous serpents, updates on nearby snake sightings and more, download

Saturday 7 May 2016

Islamic State highlights ‘first camp of the Caliphate in Somalia’

Islamic State highlights ‘first camp of the Caliphate in Somalia’

Islamic State leader Abdiqadir Mumin shown in a video promoting the “Commander Sheikh Abu Numan training camp.”
The Islamic State touted a small training camp and announced its first attack in Somalia as part of the its push establish a presence in the country. Islamic State followers in Somalia have been ruthlessly pursued by Shabaab, al Qaeda’s official branch in East Africa, thwarting their attempt to gain traction in Somalia.
The Islamic State released a video on April 14 of the “Commander Sheikh Abu Numan training camp,” which is likely located in the Puntland region in northwestern Somalia. The video, which was produced by the Islamic State’s Al Furat Media, featured former Shabaab commander Abdiqadir Mumin, who is known to be based in Puntland.
The video depicted just over a dozen fighters training in the camp, which is named after Bashir Abu Numan, a former commander who was killed by Shabaab’s Amniyat – the rival group’s internal security and intelligence branch – after he defected to the Islamic State in late 2015.
The Commander Sheikh Abu Numan camp does not appear to be a permanent facility. The fighters were shown undertaking physical and weapons exercises before listening to a speech from Abdiqadir Mumin, who likely holds a senior leadership position within the Islamic State’s fledgling branch in Somalia.
Mumin blessed the camp as the “first camp of the Caliphate in Somalia” before he and the fighters shown in the video renew their pledge of allegiance to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Mumin originally defected to the Islamic State late last year with just 20 of the 300 jihadists based in the Galgala hills of Puntland. The other jihadists are said to have remained loyal to Shabaab. [See LWJ report, Shabaab’s leadership fights Islamic State’s attempted expansion in East Africa.]
In addition to promoting its camp, the Islamic State claimed its first attack inside Somalia. In a statement released on social media accounts today, the Islamic State claimed it detonated an IED against a “a Military Vehicle of the African Crusader Forces in Mogadishu,” according to the SITE Intelligence Group.
The Islamic State has struggled to gain a foothold in Somalia despite a concerted effort to woo Shabaab fighters into its ranks. Shabaab’s Amniyat has been tasked with hunting down and killing any members who seek to or have defected to the Islamic State. Last December, the Amniyat gunned down Mohammed Makkawi Ibrahim, a veteran jihadist who was responsible for killing a diplomat for the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and his driver in Khartoum, Sudan in January 2008. [See LWJ report, American jihadist reportedly flees al Qaeda’s crackdown in Somalia.]
Screenshots from the video:

Shabaab massacres dozens in attack on Kenyan university

Shabaab massacres dozens in attack on Kenyan university

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Shabaab terrorists attacked the Garissa University College in Kenya earlier today. Initial reports say that approximately 10 gunmen were involved in assault, which left at least 147 people dead and dozens more wounded.
Some members of the Shabaab assault team were killed by security forces, but others took a number of students hostage after the initial attack.
A spokesman for Shabaab, al Qaeda’s official branch in Somalia, said the gunmen deliberately separated Muslims from non-Muslims during the attack. “We sorted people out and released the Muslims,” Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab told Reuters.
NPR reports that the terrorists entered a dormitory and were heard asking students whether or not they could recite the Muslim Shahada, or prayer. Those who could were spared, while those who could not were either killed or held as hostages. In the chaos of the attack, other witnesses say the gunmen fired sporadically on teachers and students.
This process is similar to what reportedly happened during Shabaab’s September 2013 siege of the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The Associated Press (AP), citing other published reports, noted that witnesses said “the gunmen rounded up people, asked questions about Islam that a Muslim would know and told the Muslims to leave the mall.”
A Shabaab official reportedly emailed the AP an explanation of the Westgate Mall attack: “The Mujahideen carried out a meticulous vetting process at the mall and have taken every possible precaution to separate the Muslims from the Kuffar (disbelievers) before carrying out their attack.” The same Shabaab source reportedly said that any foreigner was a “legitimate target.”
In February, Shabaab released a video commemorating the Westgate Mall attack. The video was spliced together with quotes from al Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. According to a translation of the video by the SITE Intelligence Group, the Shabaab narrator claimed that “after the initial phase of the attacks, the mujahideen carried out a vetting process in which non-Muslims were separated from the Muslims.”
“This was done in order to safeguard the inviolable blood of the Muslims,” the narrator continued, adding that “the mujahideen maintained the moral high ground” and did not “deliberately” target women and children, who were were “allowed to safely evacuate the mall.”
In reality, such attacks are never as smoothly planned as Shabaab claimed. But that is the narrative the group is using to justify some of its high-profile attacks.
The Kenyan government quickly fingered a Shabaab official named Mohamed Mohamud, also known as “Dulyadin” and “Gamadhere,” as the mastermind for today’s attack. The Kenyan Interior Ministry posted a wanted poster for Mohamud on its official Twitter feed, asking witnesses to contact officials with any information that could lead to Mohamud’s arrest. Kenyan authorities had previously linked Mohamud to other attacks in their country.
Late last month, a Shabaab suicide assault team stormed a hotel in Mogadishu. Despite setbacks to African forces, and some successful counterterrorism strikes by the US, the group remains a lethal insurgency and terrorist organization.

Nearly all of Osama bin Laden’s files should be released

Nearly all of Osama bin Laden’s files should be released

Earlier today, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a set of files recovered from Osama bin Laden’s compound. The public release of the files is step towards transparency. However, the files released today are a tiny fraction of the total cache recovered in Abbottabad. As The Long War Journal has reported previously, more than one million total files are in the US government’s possession. In addition, some of the most important revelations discovered in bin Laden’s files remain hidden from public view.
Since May 2012, The Long War Journal has consistently advocated for the release of additional documents and files. Our hope is that the valuable primary source letters and memos can help better inform the public discourse. The 9/11 wars have been incredibly controversial, to say the least.
This is no small matter. The contents of Osama bin Laden’s files are invaluable for understanding our jihadist enemies. Consider that prior to the Abbottabad raid, the CIA believed bin Laden had given up day to day operational control of al Qaeda. The agency believed that Ayman al Zawahiri had assumed total managerial responsibility. Only after reviewing bin Laden’s files did the CIA realize that this assumption was false. Bin Laden was still very much in charge. US intelligence officials have publicly confirmed that they misjudged bin Laden’s role.
Still, the depth and complexity of al Qaeda and related jihadist groups is not well understood. This is because, in part, al Qaeda tries to hide its hand in jihadist groups around the globe. For example, on Aug. 15, 2010, The Long War Journal reported that bin Laden had instructed Shabaab in Somalia to keep its al Qaeda ties secret. In fact, some assumed at the time that Shabaab was not part of al Qaeda’s international network. As it turned out, two declassified letters written by Osama bin Laden on Aug. 7, 2010 revealed that the al Qaeda master considered Shabaab to already be part of his organization. He simply did not want to advertise the relationship for a variety of tactical reasons.
Previously declassified files led to a number of new revelations. For instance, the Pakistani government knew how to contact al Qaeda’s senior leadership and wanted to negotiate a truce with bin Laden’s organization in 2010. Al Qaeda was engaged in “very strong military activity” in Afghanistan prior to bin Laden’s death. While the files confirm that the CIA-led drone campaign has taken out numerous senior jihadists, they also show how al Qaeda made plans to survive the air strikes and even expanded its geographical footprint at the height of drone effort. Al Qaeda moved senior personnel out of the drones’ kill box in northern Pakistan, reintegrated veterans who returned to the battle after being placed under house arrest in Iran, and began grooming a new generation of leaders to replace the lost operatives. Previously released files also show how al Qaeda’s management team is structured.
This is just some of what we have learned from the files available to us. The files released today likely contain new nuggets of information, but are also not the most important bin Laden letters and memos in the US government’s possession.
Given the complexity of the post-9/11 wars, and the debates swirling around them, we can think of no better source to inform the public than bin Laden’s files. And so, The Long War Journal’s position is the same as it has been since 2012. We welcome today’s release. But it is not enough.

Shabaab releases images from the ambush of Ethiopian troops

Shabaab releases images from the ambush of Ethiopian troops

Photo showing a captured Ethiopian military vehicle
A day after al Shabaab, al Qaeda’s official branch in Somalia, claimed it ambushed and killed dozens of Ethiopian troops in southern Somalia, the jihadist group has now released a photo report from the ambush.
The photos show several burning and captured vehicles. One image shows the jihadist group capturing an armored vehicle, while others show a variety of small arms that were taken. Two photos show Ethiopian identification cards. Some photos are too graphic to be published by The Long War Journal.
The statement from Shabaab’s media office claiming the attack, which has been translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, says that the “highly successful ambush carried out by a company of Mujahideen fighters from the ‘Sheikh Abu Zubayr Battalion’ began on Thursday (June 11) afternoon.” The battalion identified in the statement is named after the former emir of Shabaab, who was killed in a US drone strike last year.
The jihadist group continues by saying that the unit destroyed 13 vehicles and killed dozens of soldiers in the Ethiopian convoy after “mowing them down with machine guns.” Shabaab claims that this ambush caused many in the Ethiopian ranks to retreat, leaving behind military hardware and “many of their comrades.” This is evident in the photo report released by the group.
When the Ethiopian contingent sent reinforcements to the area the next morning, Shabaab said that it targeted the convoy “with a martyrdom operation,” or suicide bombing. [For more information on the attack, Shabaab claims to kill dozens of Ethiopian troops in southern Somalia.]
Photos released by Al Shabaab’s Al Kataib Media:

it would appear that some of the objectives sought by ISIS/ISIL are gaining traction even among those not under the ISIS/ISIL Banner

Shabaab photo release verifies details of Leego attack

Shabaab photo release verifies details of Leego attack

Anti-aircraft gun and vehicle captured by Shabaab
Less than a week after Shabaab’s attack on the African Union base in Leego in southern Somalia, the al Qaeda branch has released several photos of the event that appear to verify some of the group’s claims.
The photos show the attack on the military base, as well as Shabaab fighters killing dozens of Burundian troops. Many of the photos released by the jihadist group are too graphic to be published. However, other photos show a number of captured weapons and vehicles, as well as Burundian military uniforms. Three photos shows a jihadist destroying a makeshift church used by the Burundian troops. The jihadist group also said that it will release a separate statement soon containing the identities of the killed soldiers.
The attack on the military base is said to have left around 70 Burundian troops dead out of the 100 that were stationed there. A suicide attack allowed an assault team to penetrate the base. A statement released by Shabaab on the radio station Al Andalus, which is affiliated with the group, said that its forces were able to capture many light and heavy weapons. Radio Al Furqan, another Shabaab-linked station, claimed that the jihadist group’s fighters also captured several vehicles and that “senior Shabaab members” gave a sermon to nearby civilians. [For more information on the attack, see LWJ report, Shabaab assaults African Union base.]
While Shabaab claimed that it captured the town of Leego and that its flag “now flies above the town,” Ethiopian troops are said to have recaptured the military base in recent days. This cannot be independently confirmed by The Long War Journal, however.
The attack was carried out by the “Sheikh Abu Zubayr Battalion,” which is named after the former emir of Shabaab who was killed in a US drone strike last year.
The Sheikh Abu Zubayr Battalion was also behind the attack on Ethiopian troops two weeks ago in southern Somalia. More than 60 Ethiopian troops are said to have been killed in that assault. Shabaab has also released several images from what it describes as the “ambush” of the Ethiopian forces. [See LWJ report Shabaab claims to kill dozens of Ethiopian troops in southern Somalia and Threat Matrix report, Shabaab releases images from the ambush of Ethiopian troops.]
Shabaab continues to be a threat in Somalia, despite being kicked out of its former strongholds of Mogadishu and Kismayo.

Before Paris attack, Islamic State terrorists committed grisly executions

Before Paris attack, Islamic State terrorists committed grisly executions

16-01-24 Paris terrorists as shown in new Islamic State video
The terrorists responsible for the Nov. 13, 2015 coordinated assaults in Paris are featured in a new Islamic State video.
A new video released by the Islamic State (titled “Kill Them Wherever You Find Them”) features the terrorists responsible for the Nov. 13, 2015 attacks in Paris. Several of the jihadists are shown executing captives in Iraq and Syria. They threaten the West and implore Muslims to join the “caliphate’s” cause as they behead or shoot their victims from behind. The footage was filmed in the months before the coordinated assault in France’s capital city.
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s men claim France deserves to be terrorized because of its role in the anti-Islamic State coalition. But their grisly executions of helpless victims undermine their attempt to offer a moral rationale for their terrorism. The Islamic State’s sadistic videos have also likely played a role in shaping public opinion in the West.
The first Islamic State member to speak at length is Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who is identified by his nom de guerre, Abu Umar al Baljiki. European officials have identified Abaaoud, who was killed during a counterterrorism raid after the Paris massacres, as a key figure in the plot. The Islamic State’s English-language Dabiq magazine published an interview with Abaaoud in early 2015.
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“I have a message to these disbelievers who are fighting the Muslims, and to all the nations taking part in the coalition,” Abaaoud says in a clip played over news footage. “You are the ones who dared to come to the lands of the Muslims to fight them. By Allah! By Alllah! By Allah, you have declared a war that you have lost before even starting it.” (A screen shot can be seen on the right. Abaaoud is in the lower right hand corner.)
After threatening to kill Westerners in their homes, Abaaoud says the Islamic State’s terror is a result of their government’s policies.
“All this is a result of your policy — your policy of war — or I should say, the policy of your rulers,” Abaaoud claims. “Indeed, you voted for these rulers, and this is the result. The result is that your rulers have declared a war whose consequences they will not be able to bear.”
Abaaoud refers to the Western-led coalition’s airstrikes, arguing that the jihadists’ attacks have been carried out in retaliation. “By Allah, as long as you continue to direct airstrikes against us, and as long as you continue to declare war and fight the Muslims, we will not stop fighting you in every part of the world, regardless of whether you are on a tourism trip or a work trip, or are fast asleep in your homes.”
“You, along with more than 70 other nations, formed a coalition to fight the Islamic State,” Abaaoud says. “But you will not be able to stop it. By Allah, this is just the beginning.”
After Abaaoud’s appearance, the video shows several of his accomplices in succession. Some of them execute bound victims before or after they address the camera.
“I was sent by Amir ul-Mu’minin [“Emir of the Faithful”] Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husayni al-Qurashi (may Allah safeguard him) to cleanse the earth of disbelievers, whoever they may be and wherever they may be,” a jihadist known as Abu Qital al Faransi says.
Al Faransi continues: “By Allah, we have come to you with slaughter, and indeed our knives come closer to your throats day after day. And by Allah, we will fight you — with Allah’s permission — in the heart of Paris and at the corner of the Eiffel Tower.”
Although al Faransi refers to the “heart of Paris” and the “Eiffel Tower,” he may not have had the specific Nov. 13, 2015 plot in mind. His threat may have been only a general one at the time he spoke. Al Faransi goes on to criticize the Muslims in France who have not joined the Islamic State’s cause.
Another member of the Paris terror cell, identified as Dhul Qarnayn Al Baljiki, also addresses the French directly. “This is a small message to all those who voted for…[French President Francois] Hollande, the dog of the White House,” Al Baljiki says. Frances’s “hands have been tainted with blood,” he claims, because the people elected a “president who today bombs our Muslim brothers in Mali, Sham, and Iraq.”
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The video confirms that all of the jihadists who took part in the Paris attacks fought for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria beforehand. Although they do not say that they were acting under Baghdadi’s orders on the night of Nov. 13, that is the clear implication of their testimony. One of the final jihadists to speak, known as Abu Rayyan al Faransi, explains “it is an order from Amir ul-Mu’minin Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (may Allah safeguard him) to fight you in your lands.”
The propaganda production ends with a threat to Britain. An onscreen caption (shown above) warns that whoever stands with the disbelievers will be targeted. British Prime Minister David Cameron is shown standing in the background.
Thomas Joscelyn is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Senior Editor for The Long War

Shabaab regains ground in southern Somalia

Shabaab regains ground in southern Somalia

Shabaab fighters raise the group’s flag in Marka.
Shabaab, al Qaeda’s official branch in East Africa, has retaken control several towns in southern Somalia after the withdrawal of African Union and government forces.
Shabaab fighters reoccupied Marka, located just 45 miles south of the Somali capital of Mogadishu, today after African Union and Somali troops abandoned the town.
“AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somia) forces moved out at midday and the local administration and all other Somali security forces left a few minutes later – and then heavily armed al-Shabab militants entered the town,” a local resident told The Associated Press. “They have been addressing residents at the district headquarters.”
Shabaab raised its flag at the town center, addressed a crowd, and began patrols, according to photographs obtained from Shahada News Agency, a jihadist propaganda outfit. According to the AP, Shabaab has occupied the police station and government buildings.
Shabaab lost control of Marka in August 2012 after the Kenyan military invaded southern Somalia in response to Shabaab raids in northern Kenya. While Shabaab lost control of the major population centers in southern Somalia during the Kenyan and African Union offensive, the group maintained its military strength and retreated to rural areas of the country.
They have retaken control over the last month with a vengeance.
Today’s African Union withdrawal from Marka is likely a response to Shabaab’s mid-January assault on an ANISOM base in the town of El Ade. Shabaab fighters from the Saleh al Nabhani Battalion killed scores of Kenyan troops and seized a large quantity of weapons, munitions, and vehicles during the rout. Shabaab claimed it killed more than 100 troops during the El Ade raid and the Kenyan military has been silent on its losses.
Attacks of that magnitude have a demoralizing effect on African Union troops, and the militaries are unable to sustain such losses over time.
Marka is the third large town in southern Somalia to fall to Shabaab in the past two weeks after African Union troops pulled out without warning. On January 26, Shabaab marched into the towns of El Ade and Badhadhe after Kenyan forces withdrew, leaving a security vacuum.
Shabaab has been able to mount attacks in the region despite the presence of a large African Union mission in Somalia. The jihadist group has also launched numerous suicide assaults on heavily guarded hotels in Mogadishu this year. It has continuously targeted African Union troops in southern Somalia and has taken back some territory in the process. Shabaab has mounted operations in the central part of Somalia and into neighboring Kenya, as well. In late November, Shabaab said its forces temporarily took control over a Kenyan town bordering Somalia.
Photographs of Shabaab fighters in Marka
Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of The Long War Journal. Caleb Weiss is an intern at the Foundatio

Met Police issues mugshots of London's most wanted suspects in time for Christmas

Met Police issues mugshots of London's most wanted suspects in time for Christmas Police are hoping to catch a number of suspects...